Our Expert Team

Our team constitutes research fellows, research associates and hundreds of field data collectors and supervisors speaking local languages in Djibouti, Kenya, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan and Uganda.

Field Coordinator

Field Coordinator

  • Ethiopia

Henok Ayele

Henok is a development professional with MSc degree in Rural Development from Haromaya University, Ethiopia. He has more than 10 years’ experience in coordinating field data collection in different parts of Ethiopia, including across many rural settings where he developed practical understanding of the rural people lifestyle and their societal norms, culture, values, and taboos. Henok speaks Amharic and Oromiffaa among the local languages in Ethiopia. Henok has coordinated surveys for various clients including EDRI, HESPI, C4ED, IFPRI, and WBG among others.

Field Coordinator

Field Coordinator

  • Ethiopia

Awnu Dino

Awnu is a statistician with MSc degree in Biostatistics from Jimma University, Ethiopia. Awnu has worked at various positions in government and non-government institutions. He worked as a research coordinator at the Central Statistics Agency of Ethiopia. Subsequently, he worked as field coordinator for different organizations including EDRI, HESPI and C4ED. Awnu has extensive experience in overseeing field surveys including KIIs and FGDs in various parts of Ethiopia. He speaks Amharic, Guragigna and Sidamigna among the local languages. His experience include training survey team, administering survey logistics, coordinating activities local officials, overseeing operations of the survey team and ensuring data quality as well as producing reports.

Field Coordinator

Field Coordinator

  • Ethiopia

Kassahun Alemayehu

Kassahun is a development professional. He has got Master’s degree in Urban and Regional Development Planning from Addis Ababa University. Abdurahman has extensive experience in coordinating field surveys both quantitative and qualitative.  His experience includes, among other things, recruiting survey team, training them, administering logistics required for the survey, coordinating with local officials for smooth operation of the survey team on the ground, overseeing operations of the survey team for continuous guidance, ensuring data quality and producing reports. Kassahun has a field experience in all major regions of Ethiopia and he speaks Amharic and Tigrinya among the local languages spoken in the country. Kassahun has coordinated field surveys for a number of clients including the World Bank Group, GIZ, and Center for Evaluation and Development (C4ED), Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI).

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